5 Big Moves #5: Next OS
The Next Operating System (OS) represents the "back office" or the "brain" of the entire transportation system. It is a digital platform that uses technology and data to serve as a bridge to connect the management policies and procedures that permit the management of different modes of transportation (i.e. passenger vehicles, buses, ride–sharing vehicles, delivery trucks, autonomous vehicles, bikes, scooters, and more) to improve overall efficiency and accessibility for people and goods to move throughout the region.
Next OS includes ICM on I–15, tolling services back office activities for SBX and SR11, regional 511 – Trip Planner, and the Regional Border Management System (RBMS). These systems utilize outside "terminators" or vendors that provide the ability to manage these systems (i.e. financial institutions, financial apps, parking management vendors, etc.). Next OS modernizes the existing transportation system by using technology to better manage supply and demand. The result will be roadways and transit services that operate more smoothly and serve people with improved access to services.
Projects that fall within Next OS will be evaluated against SANDAG 2021 Regional Transportation Plan goals and objectives.