PM04-San Diego Regional Parking Management

Status: Planned


The ICMS Regional Parking Management service package supports communication and coordination between equipped parking facilities and also supports regional coordination between parking facilities and traffic and transit management systems. This service package also shares information with transit management systems and information service providers to support multimodal travel planning, including parking reservation capabilities. Information including current parking availability, system status, and operating strategies are shared to enable local parking facility management that supports regional transportation strategies.

Parking information is pushed from Parking Carma, the parking management system to the Caltrans TMC and then to the ICMS data hub.

This service package supports Mobility Hubs, by identifying the elements and data flows necessary to deploy parking payment systems and support parking enforcement.


PM04-San Diego Regional Parking Management

Includes Elements

SANDAG Connected Vehicle Field Equipment
SANDAG TIC and Website
511 SD System
Private Sector Probe Information Systems
MTS Centralized Train Control
SANDAG Regional Parking Management
Social Networking Services
Public Private Traveler Information
NCTD Transit Information Center
Public / Private Parking Management System