DM01-SANDAG ITS Data Warehouse

Status: Existing


SANDAG Data Warehouse service package provides access to transportation data to support transportation planning, condition and performance monitoring, safety analysis, and research. Configurations range from focused repositories that house data collected and owned by a single agency, district, private sector provider, or research institution to broad repositories that contain multimodal, multidimensional data from varied data sources covering a broader region. Both central repositories and physical distributed ITS data repositories are supported. Requests for data that are satisfied by access to a single repository in the ITS Data Warehouse service package may be parsed by the local repository and dynamically translated to requests to other repositories that relay the data necessary to satisfy the request.

This service package supports Next OS by proving an effective framework for sharing SANDAG data with regional partners


DM01-SANDAG ITS Data Warehouse

Includes Elements

SANDAG Connected Vehicle Field Equipment
California Transportation Planning System
SANDAG TIC and Website
511 SD System
Toll Reconciliation Clearinghouse
Tourist Information System
SANDAG Electronic Tolling Administration
Archive Data User Systems
Private Sector Probe Information Systems
511 IVR
511 – FSP Dispatch
SANDAG Regional Parking Management
Public Private Traveler Information
San Diego Regional Archived Data System