ST05-Public - Private Electric Charging Stations
Status: Existing
There are public and private charging stations and services throughout the San Diego region at major centers, cities, county, private companies, etc. Electric vehicles (EV) are able to be charged with access to EV charging stations located in various cities throughout the San Diego region, to charge their EVs where they live, work, and play. One of the larger options for EV charging throughout San Diego is known as the Blink Network.
The Electric Charging Station Management service package provides an exchange of information between the EV and charging station to manage the charging operation. The agency or company operating the charging station can use vehicle information such as the capability of the vehicle (e.g. operational status of the electrical system, how many amps can the vehicle handle, and % charge complete) to determine that the charge is being properly applied and determine an estimated time to complete charging.
The Electric Charging Station Management service package provides an exchange of information between the electric vehicle and charging station to manage the charging operation. The agency or company operating the charging station can use vehicle information such as the capability of the vehicle (e.g. operational status of the electrical system, how many amps can the vehicle handle, and % charge complete) to determine that the charge is being properly applied and determine an estimated time to complete charging.
This Service Package supports the 5 Big Moves in the areas of Complete Corridors and Mobility Hubs, by optimizing the use of the transportation network to reduce greenhouse gases, and as a physical component appropriate for deployment at Mobility Hubs.