TM11-San Diego Congestion Pricing

Status: Planned


The Road Use Charging service package supports the capability to charge fees to roadway vehicle owners for using specific roadways with potentially differential payment rates based on time–of–day, which specific roadway is used, and class of vehicle (a local policy decision by each roadway owner). These payment schemes could be forms of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) or other schemes that are yet to be defined. Vehicle owners need only register with a single payment entity of their choice (a participating state, municipal, or regional DOT, an authority, or a private entity), and payments are reconciled by the entity receiving payment (and travel history) with all roadway owners that participate in the road use payment scheme, which may also include the Federal government. Vehicle owners would pay nothing for distances traveled where there are no payments required (e.g. in jurisdictions that have not implemented a distance based payment or for roadway operators that collect payment using traditional tolls), although a Federal payment rate might cover some or all roadway operations (a Federal policy decision). Basic operation depends on the vehicle tracking its own location, and periodically reporting its travel history to the registered entity receiving payment using connected vehicle communications.


TM11-San Diego Congestion Pricing

Includes Elements

SANDAG TIC and Website
511 SD System
Tourist Information System
Private Vehicles
User Personal Information Devices
SANDAG Electronic Tolling Administration
Financial Institutions – Tolling
CA Department of Motor Vehicles
Personal Payment Device
FasTrak Transponder
Tolling Traveler Support
In Vehicle Elec Toll Tags
SANDAG Payment Administration Center
Financial Institutions