CA Department of Motor Vehicles

Status: Existing


California DMV is hosted at the CA.Gov site. The services provided through the DMV include vehicle registration and personal services such as red light enforcement, driver's license, security ID, and license points, fines enforcement and driver ID information. California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 38750 requires the DMV to adopt regulations governing both the testing and public use of autonomous vehicles on California roadways.

Through adoption of regulations effective on April 2, 2018, the DMV has the authority to issue permits for driverless testing or deployment of autonomous vehicles. When an application is received, it will be thoroughly reviewed. The Department will not approve any permits until it is clear that the applicant has met all of the safe operation requirements set forth in the regulations.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
California DMVOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Enforcement Center
Authorizing Center

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Caltrans Electronic Bypass Stations
Caltrans WIM Stations
US Automated Roadside Inspection and Enforcement Systems
US Border Inspection Systems
US Inland Check Point