CVCE Electronic Screening Functional Area


'CVCE Electronic Screening' supports electronic credentials and safety screening of commercial vehicles at mainline speeds. It processes the data from the commercial vehicles along with accessed database information to determine whether a pull–in message is needed. It may also generate random pull–in messages with provisions for facility operators and enforcement officials to have manual override capabilities.

Included In

US Automated Roadside Inspection and Enforcement Systems
Mexican Border Inspection Systems

Functional Requirements

01The roadside electronic screening equipment shall detect the presence of commercial vehicles and freight equipment approaching a facility.
02The roadside check facility equipment shall differentiate between different types of vehicles and determine the number of axles, gross vehicle weight, and the identification of the vehicle and its cargo.
03The roadside check facility equipment shall receive the credential and credentials status information (e.g. snapshots) from the commercial vehicle administration center to maintain an up to date list of which vehicles have been cleared (enrolled) to potentially pass through without stopping.
04The roadside check facility equipment shall receive commercial vehicle violation records and carriers, vehicles, and drivers of interest from appropriate law enforcement agencies.
05The roadside check facility equipment shall provide an interface to inspectors in the field to allow them to monitor and if necessary override the pull–in decisions made by the system.
06The roadside check facility equipment shall receive information about a breach or tamper event on a commercial vehicle or its attached freight equipment which includes identity, type of breach, location, and time.
07The roadside electronic screening equipment shall request and input electronic screening data from the commercial vehicle's electronic tag data.
08The roadside check facility equipment shall collect safety data from the commercial vehicle and its freight equipment.
09The roadside check facility equipment shall send a pass/pull–in notification to the commercial vehicle and its driver based on the information received from the vehicle, the administration center, enforcement agencies, and the inspector. The message may be sent to the on–board equipment in the commercial vehicle or transmitted to the driver using equipment such as dynamic message signs, red–green lights, flashing signs, etc.
10The roadside check facility equipment shall verify that pull–in requests are heeded by drivers, notifying the facility operator if a vehicle fails to pull in as requested.
11The roadside check facility equipment shall send a record of daily activities at the facility including summaries of screening events and inspections to the commercial vehicle administration center.
12The roadside check facility equipment element shall alert the emergency management center about a Commercial Vehicle or Freight Equipment breach, non–permitted security sensitive hazmat detected at the roadside, route deviation, or Driver–Vehicle–Freight assignment mismatches which includes the location of the Commercial Vehicle and appropriate identities.
13The roadside check facility equipment shall send an alarm to the appropriate emergency management center when it has determined there has been a container breach or tamper event on a commercial vehicle or its attached freight equipment which includes identity, type of breach, location, and time.