Mexican Border Inspection Systems

Status: Planned


Represents systems used by Mexican Aduanas at the border.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Servicio de Administracion Tributaria (SAT)–Mexico AduanasOwnsPlanned

Physical Objects

Border Inspection System

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Border Inspection'Border Inspection' manages and supports primary and secondary inspections at the border crossing.False
CVCE Electronic Screening'CVCE Electronic Screening' supports electronic credentials and safety screening of commercial vehicles at mainline speeds. It processes the data from the commercial vehicles along with accessed database information to determine whether a pull–in message is needed. It may also generate random pull–in messages with provisions for facility operators and enforcement officials to have manual override capabilities.False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Aduanas Field Equipment
Aduanas Website
Caltrans D11 Intermodal TMC
Caltrans Website
CHP Dispatch
Commercial Vehicles
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equip – Mobility
Dispatch – Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil
FasTrak Transponder
Level 2 Cities EOCs–EMC
Mexican Baja SIDUE Website
Mexican Border Inspection Administration Systems
Mexican InfoViaje
Micro Mobility Services
Private Sector Probe Information Systems
Private Vehicles
Public Private Traveler Information
San Diego TIC and Website
SANDAG TIC and Website
Tourist Information System
Trans Network Co–op (TNC) Centers
Traveler ID Card
US Border Inspection Administration Systems
US Border Inspection Systems
US CBP Website
Wide Area Alerting Systems