Emergency Response Management Functional Area


'Emergency Response Management' provides the strategic emergency response capabilities and broad inter–agency interfaces that are implemented for extraordinary incidents and disasters that require response from outside the local community. It provides the functional capabilities and interfaces commonly associated with Emergency Operations Centers. It develops and stores emergency response plans and manages overall coordinated response to emergencies. It monitors real–time information on the state of the regional transportation system including current traffic and road conditions, weather conditions, special event and incident information. It tracks the availability of resources and assists in the appropriate allocation of these resources for a particular emergency response. It also provides coordination between multiple allied agencies before and during emergencies to implement emergency response plans and track progress through the incident. It also coordinates with the public through the Emergency Telecommunication Systems (e.g., Reverse 911). It coordinates with public health systems to provide the most appropriate response for emergencies involving biological or other medical hazards.

Included In

US Emergency Operations Center (OME)
911 Calls in San Diego
San Diego HAZMAT Team
CHP Dispatch
US Public Health Systems
511 – FSP Dispatch
Cal OES Public Safety
Tribal PD and Fire
Level 2 Cities EOCs–EMC
Level 1 Cities Police Dispatch
Tribal Emergency Management Centers
San Diego Fire–Rescue Dispatch
County Sheriff Dispatch
San Diego Police Dept Dispatch
County OES Services
County Fire Authority
Level 2 Cities Police Department Dispatch
MTS Transit Enforcement

Functional Requirements

01The center shall provide strategic emergency response capabilities provided by an Emergency Operations Center for large–scale incidents and disasters.
02The center shall manage coordinated inter–agency responses to and recovery from large–scale emergencies. Such agencies include traffic management, transit, maintenance and construction management, rail operations, and other emergency management agencies.
03The center shall provide the capability to implement response plans and track progress through the incident by exchanging incident information and response status with allied agencies.
04The center shall develop, coordinate with other agencies, and store emergency response plans.
05The center shall track the availability of resources and coordinate resource sharing with allied agency centers including traffic, maintenance, or other emergency centers.
06The center shall allocate the appropriate emergency services, resources, and vehicle (s) to respond to incidents, and shall provide the capability to override the current allocation to suit the special needs of a current incident.
07The center shall receive event scheduling information from Event Promoters.
08The center shall support remote control of field equipment normally under control of the traffic management center including traffic signals, dynamic message signs, gates, and barriers.
09The center shall provide the capability to remotely control and monitor CCTV systems normally operated by a traffic management center.
10The center shall provide the capability to request transit resource availability from transit centers for use during disaster and evacuation operations.
11The center shall assimilate the damage assessment of the transit, traffic, rail, maintenance, and other emergency center services and systems to create an overall transportation system status, and disseminate to each of these centers and the traveling public via traveler information providers.
12The center shall provide information to the media concerning the status of an emergency response.
13The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to provide inputs to the management of incidents, disasters and evacuations.
14The center shall collect information about the status of the recovery efforts for the infrastructure during disasters.
15The center shall provide the overall status of infrastructure recovery efforts to traveler information providers and media.
16The center shall provide the capability to communicate information about emergency situations to local population through the Emergency Telecommunications System.
17The center shall provide the capability to identify neighborhoods and businesses that should be informed of an emergency situation based on information collected about incidents including their severity, impacted locations, and recovery schedule.
18The center shall retrieve information from public health systems to increase preparedness for, and implement a response to biological, chemical, radiation, and other public health emergencies.
19The center shall manage coordinated inter–agency responses to incidents at an international border.
20The center shall receive temporary facility restrictions that are imposed during maintenance and construction that may impact emergency response.
21The center shall receive proposed maintenance and construction work plans, analyze the activity as a possible incident requiring emergency response, and provide work plan feedback to the sending center.