San Diego Fire-Rescue Dispatch

Status: Existing


The San Diego Fire–Rescue Department's Emergency Command & Data Center (ECDC) is located in Kearny Mesa and is staffed 24/7 with dispatchers and administrative personnel. The center is responsible for all medical, fire, and rescue operations in the city of San Diego and is also contracted to dispatch for the cities of Poway, Chula Vista, Imperial Beach and National City.

The ECDC handles 130,000+ calls annually and is a "secondary public safety answering point" (PSAP). This means that 911 calls are transferred to the emergency center from a primary PSAP. Examples of primary PSAPS are: California Highway Patrol, San Diego Police Department, San Diego Sheriff Department, and even some universities and colleges such as SDSU and UCSD.

The San Diego Fire–Rescue Department oversees the City's Emergency Management Services until a major emergency activates the Emergency Operations Center. In the case of a major incident such as an earthquake, flood or terrorist act, the City's Emergency Management Services kick into action.

The division is tasked with 1) Coordination of major emergency (disaster) mitigation, 2) Preparedness, 3) Response, 4) Recovery processes by eliciting cooperative efforts between city business centers, departments and other governmental agencies in the development of integrated plans and exercises to insure readiness. and 5) Coordination of Urban Search and Rescue.

Emergency Management Services is dedicated to ensuring that city staff is prepared and trained to respond effectively and efficiently to major natural or manmade emergencies that impact the City of San Diego. It includes the functions associated with Emergency Operations Centers that are activated at local, regional, state, and federal levels for emergencies and the portable and transportable systems that support Incident Command System operations at an incident.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
City of San DiegoOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Emergency Management Center

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Emergency Call–Taking'Emergency Call–Taking' supports the emergency call–taker, collecting available information about the caller and the reported emergency, and forwarding this information to other objects that formulate and manage the emergency response. It receives 9–1–1, 7–digit local access, and motorist call–box calls and interfaces to other agencies to assist in the verification and assessment of the emergency and to forward the emergency information to the appropriate response agency.False
Emergency Data Collection'Emergency Data Collection' collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.False
Emergency Dispatch'Emergency Dispatch' tracks the location and status of emergency vehicles and dispatches these vehicles to incidents. Pertinent incident information is gathered from the public and other public safety agencies and relayed to the responding units. Incident status and the status of the responding units is tracked so that additional units can be dispatched and/or unit status can be returned to available when the incident is cleared and closed.False
Emergency Early Warning System'Emergency Early Warning System' monitors alerting and advisory systems, information collected by ITS surveillance and sensors, and reports from other agencies and uses this information to identify potential, imminent, or in–progress major incidents or disasters. Notification is provided to initiate the emergency response, including public notification using ITS traveler information systems, where appropriate.False
Emergency Evacuation Support'Emergency Evacuation Support' coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real–time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. It communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.False
Emergency Incident Command'Emergency Incident Command' provides tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration for Incident Commands that are established by first responders at or near the incident scene to support local management of an incident. It supports communications with public safety, emergency management, transportation, and other allied response agency centers, tracks and maintains resource information, action plans, and the incident command organization itself. Information is shared with agency centers including resource deployment status, hazardous material information, traffic, road, and weather conditions, evacuation advice, and other information that enables emergency or maintenance personnel in the field to implement an effective, safe incident response. It supports the functions and interfaces commonly supported by a mobile command center.False
Emergency Response Management'Emergency Response Management' provides the strategic emergency response capabilities and broad inter–agency interfaces that are implemented for extraordinary incidents and disasters that require response from outside the local community. It provides the functional capabilities and interfaces commonly associated with Emergency Operations Centers. It develops and stores emergency response plans and manages overall coordinated response to emergencies. It monitors real–time information on the state of the regional transportation system including current traffic and road conditions, weather conditions, special event and incident information. It tracks the availability of resources and assists in the appropriate allocation of these resources for a particular emergency response. It also provides coordination between multiple allied agencies before and during emergencies to implement emergency response plans and track progress through the incident. It also coordinates with the public through the Emergency Telecommunication Systems (e.g., Reverse 911). It coordinates with public health systems to provide the most appropriate response for emergencies involving biological or other medical hazards.False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

911 Calls in San Diego
Cal OES Public Safety
Caltrans D11 Intermodal TMC
Caltrans D11 Security Monitoring
Caltrans HQ Maintenance Administration
Caltrans Maintenance Operations
Caltrans Security Monitoring Equipment
Caltrans Website
CBP Border Patrol
Center – Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil
CHP Dispatch
Commercial Fleet Management
Commercial Vehicles
County DPW Dispatch
County Fire Authority
County OES Services
County Sheriff Dispatch
County TMC
Dispatch – Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil
Fleet Management Systems
Level 1 Cities EOCs–EMC
Level 1 Cities Fire Dispatch
Level 1 Cities Police Dispatch
Level 1 Cities Public Works TMC
Level 2 Cities EOCs–EMC
Level 2 Cities Fire and Rescue Dispatch
Level 2 Cities Fleet Vehicles
Level 2 Cities MCO Dispatch
Level 2 Cities Police Department Dispatch
Level 2 Cities TIC and Websites
Level 2 Cities Traffic Ops Center
Metrolink Dispatch
MTS Centralized Train Control
MTS Transit Dispatch
MTS Transit Enforcement
NCTD Transit Information Center
Operation Respond
Other District State DOT TMCs
Private Sector Probe Information Systems
Private Vehicles
Public Private Traveler Information
Rail Operations Center
San Diego Data Archive
San Diego DPW–GS– Equipment Repair
San Diego Emergency Management Center
San Diego Engineering – Construction
San Diego Fleet Management
San Diego HAZMAT Team
San Diego Infrastructure Asset Management
San Diego Maintenance of Roadway Equipment
San Diego Police Dept Dispatch
San Diego TIC and Website
San Diego Traffic Management Center
SANDAG Electronic Tolling Administration
SANDAG TIC and Website
Social Networking Services
Tourist Information System
Trans Network Co–op (TNC) Centers
Tribal Emergency Management Centers
Tribal Maintenance Operations
Tribal PD and Fire
Tribal Transportation Operations
TV, Local Print and Broadcast Media
US Emergency Operations Center (OME)
US Public Health Systems
US Weather Service Forecasting System
User Personal Information Devices
Wide Area Alerting Systems