CVCE HAZMAT Detection Functional Area


'CVCE HAZMAT Detection' detects and identifies commercial vehicles carrying security sensitive hazardous materials. It assesses the likelihood of the presence of security sensitive HAZMAT materials based on remote sensed data as well as other physical information acquired about the commercial vehicle. It then determines if any detected HAZMAT is authorized. If unauthorized HAZMAT material is detected, a pull–in message is generated. It may also issue a message to the Emergency Management Center (Police Dispatch) that includes: location of the incident, current location of the commercial vehicle, timestamp, Vehicle ID, Carrier ID, Driver ID, CV Credentials information, HAZMAT material or category detected, and cargo manifest (if known).

Included In

US Automated Roadside Inspection and Enforcement Systems

Functional Requirements

01The roadside check facility equipment shall detect the presence of commercial vehicles and freight equipment approaching a facility. Sensors can differentiate between different types of vehicles and determine the number of axles, gross vehicle weight, presence of security sensitive hazardous materials, and the identification of the vehicle and its cargo.
02The roadside check facility equipment shall detect the presence of security sensitive substances, e.g. detection of radiation or ammonia compounds, carried on–board commercial vehicles and freight equipment approaching a facility. This data is acquired by roadside sensors from the freight equipment electronically, optically, or manually.
03The roadside check facility equipment shall receive the credential information (e.g. snapshots) from the commercial vehicle administration center to maintain an up to date list of which vehicles with hazardous materials shipments have been cleared (enrolled).
04The roadside check facility equipment shall send a pass/pull–in notification to the commercial vehicle and its driver based on the hazmat information received from the vehicle, the freight equipment, or the administration center. The message may be sent to the on–board equipment in the commercial vehicle via nearby connected vehicle roadside equipment or transmitted to the driver using equipment such as dynamic message signs, red–green lights, flashing signs, etc.
05The roadside check facility equipment shall raise and forward an alarm to the appropriate emergency management center if the hazmat–carrying commercial vehicle does not stop, or in the case of a positive identification of an unpermitted security sensitive hazmat cargo, to coordinate a traffic stop or some other action with respect to the offending commercial vehicle. The alarm will include information concerning the security sensitive hazmat detected at the roadside including the location, appropriate identifiers, route deviation, or assignment mismatches between the driver, commercial vehicle, or the freight equipment.