Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information Functional Area


'Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information' provides drivers with personalized traveler information including traffic and road conditions, transit information, maintenance and construction information, multimodal information, event information, and weather information. The provided information is tailored based on driver requests. Both one–time requests for information and on–going information streams based on a submitted traveler profile and preferences are supported.

Included In

Private Vehicles
NCTD LIFT Para and FLEX Vehicles
In Vehicle Elec Toll Tags

Functional Requirements

01The vehicle shall receive formatted traffic and travel advisories from a center and present them to the driver upon request.
02The vehicle shall receive travel alerts from a center and present them to the driver. Relevant alerts are provided based on pre–supplied trip characteristics and preferences.
03The vehicle shall receive yellow pages information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, and other tourist activities) from a center and present it to the driver upon request.
04The vehicle shall receive event information from a center and present it to the driver upon request.
05The vehicle shall collect vehicle data and present it to the driver (including vehicle conditions, environmental conditions, safety and position warnings, and enhanced vision images) upon request.
06The vehicle shall provide the capability of translating signage for presentation to the driver, including fixed signage, situational messages, or work zone intrusion messages.
07The vehicle shall accept reservations for yellow pages services, non–motorized transportation information and event information.
08The vehicle shall prioritize safety and warning messages to supersede advisory and other traveler messages.
09The vehicle shall base requests from the driver on the vehicle's current location, and filter the provided information accordingly.
10The vehicle shall accept personal preferences, recurring trip characteristics, and traveler alert subscription information from the driver and send this information to a center to support customized traveler information services.
11The vehicle shall support interactive information requests in audio or manual form.
12The vehicle shall present traveler information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.
13The vehicle shall receive information on evacuation resources including self–evacuation options, anticipated pickup time and location if a transportation asset is to be deployed, destination shelter, and supporting information on what to bring, estimated reentry date/time, from a center and present it to the traveler.
14The vehicle shall receive wide–area alerts from the center and present it to the traveler.
15The vehicle shall receive information on available parking including available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space.