Personal Traveler Information Reception Functional Area


'Personal Traveler Information Reception' receives formatted traffic advisories, road conditions, traffic regulations, transit information, broadcast alerts, and other general traveler information broadcasts and presents the information to the traveler. The traveler information broadcasts are received by personal devices including personal computers and personal portable devices such as smart phones.

Included In

User Personal Information Devices

Functional Requirements

01The personal traveler interface shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler.
02The personal traveler interface shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler.
03The personal traveler interface shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler.
04The personal traveler interface shall receive broadcast evacuation information and present it to the traveler.
05The personal traveler interface shall receive broadcast wide–area alerts and present it to the traveler.
06The personal traveler interface shall provide broadcast traveler information in audio or manual form.
07The personal traveler interface shall present information to the traveler in audible or visual forms, consistent with a personal device.
08The personal traveler interface shall receive traffic regulation information from the center and validate that the information originated with the traffic regulatory entity with authority over the region the regulation applies.
09The personal traveler interface shall present traffic regulation information to the traveler when the traveler is in a condition where the regulation is relevant.