Freeway Management for San Diego Baseline Regional Architecture Roles and Responsibilities

StakeholderRole and Responsibility
Cal OES – Governors Office of Emergency Services 
California DMV 
California Toll Operators Committee (CTOC – FasTrak) 
Caltrans District 11Communicate with commercial vehicle carriers to determine the exact chemicals involved in a dangerous goods spill.
Respond to calls from commercial vehicle drivers about dangerous goods spills.
Caltrans HQ 
CHP – CA Dept of Public Safety 
CHP – Commercial Vehicle Section 
City of San Diego 
Financial Institutions – Crypto–currency 
Financial Institutions – Tolling–Parking 
Level 1 Cities in San Diego 
Level 2 Cities in San Diego 
Local Media 
Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) 
Mexican Baja Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil 
Mexican Baja SIDURT 
Micro Mobility Companies 
Municipio de Tijuana 
North County Transit District (NCTD) 
Operation Respond Institute 
Private Commercial Carriers 
Private Sector Probe Information Providers 
Public Private Car Share 
Public Private Info Service Providers (ISP) 
Public Private Parking Management Systems 
Rail Agencies 
San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau 
San Diego County 
SANDAGShare information on traffic conditions with other centres on either side of the border so traffic operations can be coordinated.
Servicio de Administracion Tributaria (SAT)–Mexico Aduanas 
Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRAA) 
Transportation Network Cooperative (TNC) Organizations 
Tribal Governments 
US Border Patrol 
US Customs and Border Protection 
US Emergency Management Agencies (OME) 
US Public Health Agencies