San Diego Maintenance of Roadway Equipment

Status: Existing


City of San Diego contracts for the maintenance aspect of Maintenance and Construction (MCO) management system; the systems that support decision–making for maintenance and ITS equipment upgrades. Asset management integrates systems that inventory and manage the highway infrastructure and other transportation–related assets. The types of assets that are inventoried and managed will vary, but includes the software that identifies maintenance needed on various ITS elements, signals, etc.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
City of San DiegoOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Maint and Constr Management Center

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Caltrans D11 Intermodal TMC
Caltrans HQ Asset Management System
Caltrans HQ Maintenance Administration
Caltrans Maintenance Operations
Caltrans Website
CHP Dispatch
County Asset Management Center
County DPW Dispatch
County Sheriff Dispatch
County TMC
Level 1 Cities Public Works TMC
Level 2 Cities MCO Dispatch
Level 2 Cities TIC and Websites
Level 2 Cities Traffic Ops Center
Metrolink Dispatch
MTS Centralized Train Control
MTS Paratransit Dispatch
MTS Transit Dispatch
NCTD FLEX and LIFT Dispatch
NCTD Transit Information Center
Public Private Traveler Information
San Diego Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment
San Diego DPW Vehicles
San Diego DPW–GS– Equipment Repair
San Diego Emergency Management Center
San Diego Engineering – Construction
San Diego Fire–Rescue Dispatch
San Diego Fleet Management
San Diego Infrastructure Asset Management
San Diego ITS Field Equipment
San Diego Police Dept Dispatch
San Diego TIC and Website
San Diego Traffic Management Center
SANDAG TIC and Website
Tourist Information System
Tribal Transportation Operations
TV, Local Print and Broadcast Media
US Weather Service Forecasting System