PM01: NCTD Parking Management

Need Area Description

NCTD plans on having a service that will use the PRONTO card to verify parking capacity of the park and ride facility and notify commuters when parking is available. This will include coordination with MTS, buses and light rail, and traffic management centers. Signs will be posted on the freeway when lots are full. This service package monitors and manages parking spaces in lots, garages, and other parking areas and facilities. It assists in the management of parking operations by monitoring parking lot ingress and egress, parking space occupancy and availability. Infrastructure–based detectors and/or connected vehicles may be used to monitor parking occupancy. The service package shares collected parking information with local drivers and information providers for broader distribution.

Need Area Type: Unspecified

Service Package

PM01: Transit Curb Management

Includes Needs

01Parking operators need to be able to collect information from Infrastructure–based detectors and/or connected vehicles in order to monitor parking lot ingress and egress, and availability in lots, garages, and other parking areas and facilities.
02Parking operators need to be able to determine availability of parking spaces.
03Parking operators need to be able to share the collected parking information with local drivers and other centers for broader distribution.