PS04: Regional Auto Mayday Notification

Need Area Description

This service package provides the capability for a vehicle to automatically transmit an emergency message when the vehicle has been involved in a crash or other distress situation. It includes onboard alerts. An automatic crash notification feature transmits key data on the crash recorded by sensors mounted in the vehicle (e.g. deployment of airbags) without the need for involvement from the driver. The emergency message is sent to emergency response services, which determines and carries out the appropriate response. This service package allows passing vehicles to receive and forward mayday requests in areas where no communications infrastructure exists. Emergency notifications from personal devices are also supported.

Need Area Type: Unspecified

Service Package

PS04: Regional Auto Mayday Notification

Includes Needs

01Emergency Management needs to be able to determine that a crash or emergency situation has taken place, based on on–board sensor data that detect changes in velocity, vehicle orientation, and airbag status.
02Drivers need to be able to automatically or manually send a mayday alert or emergency requests and provide data about the crash and the vehicle's occupants in order to facilitate the quickest and most appropriate response.
03Pedestrians need to be able to send a mayday alert to Emergency Management in order to get help from emergency services.
04Drivers need to be able to rebroadcast crash alerts to remote connected vehicles as well as roadside "hotspots" in order to forward mayday requests even in areas where no vehicle to infrastructure communications exists.
05Emergency Management needs to be able to route crash alerts to the appropriate emergency communications center for action.
06Emergency management needs to verify the crash alert message and/or provide additional notification to the appropriate authorities.