TIC Operations Data Collection Functional Area


'TIC Operations Data Collection' collects and stores information that is collected about the transportation information service including data on the number of clients serviced and the services that were provided. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.

Included In

Caltrans Website
SANDAG TIC and Website
511 SD System
Tourist Information System
Private Sector Probe Information Systems
511 IVR
Public Private Traveler Information
Level 2 Cities TIC and Websites
San Diego TIC and Website
NCTD Transit Information Center

Functional Requirements

01The center shall collect traveler information data, such as parking lot data, rideshare data, road network use data, vehicle probe data, and other data from traveler information system operations.
02The center shall collect traveler requests, confirmations, and payment transaction data for traveler services provided.
03The transportation information center shall assign quality control metrics and meta–data to be stored along with the data. Meta–data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.
04The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the traveler information data or for the data itself.
05The transportation information center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.