Archive Government Reporting Functional Area


'Archive Government Reporting' selects and formats data residing in an ITS archive to facilitate local, state, and federal government data reporting requirements. It provides transportation system statistics and performance measures in required formats to support investment and policy decisions.

Included In

California Transportation Planning System
US GSA Infrastructure Planning System
US FHWA Federal Lands Planning System
Cal OES Spill Data Archive
Level 1 Cities Data Archive
County Data Archive
San Diego Data Archive
MTS Archived Data System

Functional Requirements

01The center shall provide archive data to federal, state, and local government reporting systems.
02The center shall respond to requests for government report data.
03The center shall provide the capability to format data suitable for input into government reports.
04The center shall provide the applicable meta–data for any ITS archived data to satisfy government reporting system requests. Meta–data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.