TIC Situation Data Management Functional Area


'TIC Situation Data Management' manages connected vehicle situation data collection, quality controls, filtering, aggregation, and storage. Through this process, raw data reported by connected vehicles are transformed into information products that can be accessed and used to support transportation operations and traveler information. The distribution of the connected vehicle–derived information products is handled by other functional objects.

Included In

Private Sector Probe Information Systems

Functional Requirements

01The center shall collect traffic probe data (speeds, travel times, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.
02The center shall collect environmental probe data (air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, traction control status, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.
03The center shall collect road condition data from probe–equipped transit vehicles via transit management centers.
04The center shall collect probe data from toll administrative centers containing travel times between toll collection points for those vehicles equipped for electronic toll collection; the data may be aggregated and processed at the sending center.
05The center shall aggregate collected traffic probe data, calculate route segment travel times, route segment speeds, route usage, and road weather information for dissemination to other centers.