Emergency Notification Support Functional Area


'Emergency Notification Support' receives emergency notification messages from vehicles or personal handheld devices, determines an appropriate response, and either uses internal resources or contacts a local agency to provide that response. The nature of the emergency is determined based on the information in the received message as well as other inputs. This object effectively serves as an interface between automated collision notification systems and the local public safety answering point for messages that require a public safety response. This capability depends on an up–to–date registry of public safety answering points/response agencies by coverage area, the type of emergency, and hours of service.

Included In

CHP Dispatch

Functional Requirements

01The center shall be able to determine that a crash or emergency situation has taken place, based on on–board sensor data collected from the vehicle.
02The center shall monitor subscribed vehicle data, including changes in velocity, attitude/orientation, position, and air bag status to determine when an emergency situation (crash) has happened.
03The center shall collect mayday messages from travelers via personal handheld devices.
04The center shall collect mayday messages from drivers via onboard devices.
05The center shall acknowledge the request for emergency assistance, whether originated by the driver, automatically by the vehicle's safety systems, or by a traveler via a personal handheld device.
06The center shall communicate with the mayday emergency message sender (driver) to determine the nature and severity of their situation.
07After the mayday becomes a verified incident, the center shall determine the appropriate response to the mayday message.
08The center shall determine whether the mayday message indicates an emergency that requires the attention of public safety agencies, and forward mayday emergency data to the appropriate agency as necessary.
09The center shall support the activation of remote controlled functions requested by a vehicle, such as requests to unlock doors.
10The center shall request additional emergency details from or issue commands to the vehicle's security systems or vehicle driver if needed.
11The center shall maintain a log of all mayday signals received from vehicles.
12The center shall provide all mayday data to center personnel and respond to the vehicle, driver, or traveler using the portable handheld device as directed by the personnel.
13The center shall determine that a collision has occurred based on changes in vehicle sensor data.
14The center shall determine the location of the sender when it receives a collision notification broadcast.
15The center shall determine the nature of the emergency from the contents of the received collision notification message.
16AACN–Relay shall maintain a registry of emergency communications center (ECCs) based on factors such as coverage area (county, state, continent), types of emergencies serviced (e.g. all, hazmat, rail crossing, Brand X autos), and hours of service (days, 24 hr., etc.).