TV, Local Print and Broadcast Media

Status: Existing


Media' represents the information systems that provide traffic reports, travel conditions, and other transportation–related news services to the traveling public through radio, TV, and other media. Traffic and travel advisory information that are collected by ITS are provided to this object. It is also a source for traffic flow information, incident and special event information, and other events that may have implications for the transportation system. Broadcast media outlets send alerts about conditions/incidents near the border and other traveler information.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Local MediaOwnsPlanned

Physical Objects


Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

511 SD System
Aduanas Website
Cal OES Public Safety
Caltrans D11 Intermodal TMC
Caltrans HQ Maintenance Administration
Caltrans Maintenance Operations
Center – Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil
CHP Dispatch
County DPW Dispatch
County Fire Authority
County OES Services
County Sheriff Dispatch
County TMC
Level 1 Cities Fire Dispatch
Level 1 Cities Police Dispatch
Level 1 Cities Public Works TMC
Level 2 Cities EOCs–EMC
Level 2 Cities Fire and Rescue Dispatch
Level 2 Cities MCO Dispatch
Level 2 Cities Police Department Dispatch
Level 2 Cities TIC and Websites
Level 2 Cities Traffic Ops Center
Mexican InfoViaje
NCTD Transit Information Center
Private Sector Probe Information Systems
Public Private Traveler Information
San Diego Emergency Management Center
San Diego Engineering – Construction
San Diego Fire–Rescue Dispatch
San Diego HAZMAT Team
San Diego Infrastructure Asset Management
San Diego Maintenance of Roadway Equipment
San Diego Police Dept Dispatch
San Diego TIC and Website
San Diego Traffic Management Center
SANDAG TIC and Website
Tourist Information System
Tribal Emergency Management Centers
Tribal PD and Fire
US CBP Website
US Emergency Operations Center (OME)