Other District State DOT TMCs

Status: Existing


Traffic Management Centers operating managing areas of the state beyond the area around the border. This element could also represent the traffic management function in adjoining states.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Caltrans District 11OwnsPlanned

Physical Objects

Other Traffic Management Centers

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
TMC Regional Traffic Management'TMC Regional Traffic Management' supports coordination between Traffic Management Centers in order to share traffic information between centers as well as control of traffic management field equipment. This coordination supports wide area optimization and regional coordination that spans jurisdictional boundaries; for example, coordinated signal control in a metropolitan area or coordination between freeway operations and arterial signal control within a corridor.False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Caltrans D11 Intermodal TMC
Caltrans Maintenance Operations
CHP Dispatch
County DPW Dispatch
County Fire Authority
County OES Services
County Sheriff Dispatch
County TMC
Level 1 Cities Police Dispatch
Level 1 Cities Public Works TMC
Level 2 Cities EOCs–EMC
Level 2 Cities MCO Dispatch
Level 2 Cities Traffic Ops Center
Operation Respond
San Diego Fire–Rescue Dispatch
San Diego HAZMAT Team
San Diego Infrastructure Asset Management
San Diego Police Dept Dispatch
San Diego Traffic Management Center
Tribal Emergency Management Centers
Tribal Maintenance Operations
Tribal PD and Fire
Tribal Transportation Operations
US Emergency Operations Center (OME)
US Public Health Systems