Caltrans RWIS

Status: Existing


Road Weather Information Systems are owned by the state with sensors throughout the State of California that measure temperature, humidity and wind speed. Some RWIS stations have pavement sensors, either active or passive. Each District has access to the RWIS server. The system gathers the information and users must log into the system to view the pictures or weather surface information. This element is both existing and planned for expansion.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Caltrans HQOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Weather Service System

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

California Transportation Planning System
Caltrans D11 Field Equipment
Caltrans D11 Intermodal TMC
Caltrans HQ Maintenance Administration
Caltrans Maintenance Operations
Caltrans Maintenance WZ Field Equipment
Caltrans Performance Measurement System
Caltrans RWIS Field Equipment
San Diego Regional Archived Data System