Interface: User Personal Information Devices - Metrolink Trains

User Personal Information Devices to Metrolink Trains Interface Diagram

Information Flow Definitions

personal location  (Existing)  

The current location (latitude, longitude, and elevation) reported by the personal information device

transit user information  (Existing)  

Information about individual transit users boarding a transit vehicle, used to track a user's progress on a scheduled transit trip.

transit vehicle information  (Existing)  

Information about the transit vehicle route and stops, including current location along the route and next stop.

vehicle location and motion  (Existing)  

Data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions, heading, speed, acceleration, braking status, and size.

vehicle path prediction  (Existing)  

The predicted future vehicle path of travel. This flow includes an indication of the future positions of the transmitting vehicle that can be used by receiving vehicles to support coordinated driving maneuvers and enhance in–lane and out–of–lane threat classification.