Interface: Caltrans Website - User Personal Information Devices

Caltrans Website to User Personal Information Devices Interface Diagram

Information Flow Definitions

cv trip request  (Planned)  

Request for commercial vehicle trip planning services that identifies the trip origin, destination(s), timing, preferences, and constraints. The request may also include the requestor's location or a request for parking reservations associated with the trip. The trip request also covers requests to revise a previously planned trip and interim updates that are provided as the trip is interactively planned.

emergency traveler information  (Existing)  

Public notification of an emergency such as a natural or man–made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction. This flow also includes evacuation information including evacuation instructions, evacuation zones, recommended evacuation times, tailored evacuation routes and destinations, traffic and road conditions along the evacuation routes, traveler services and shelter information, and reentry times and instructions.

emergency traveler information request  (Existing)  

Request for alerts, evacuation information, and other emergency information provided to the traveling public.

evacuation assistance information  (Existing)  

Information on evacuation resources including self–evacuation options, anticipated pickup time and location if a transportation asset is to be deployed, destination shelter, and supporting information on what to bring, estimated reentry date/time.

evacuation assistance request  (Existing)  

A request for evacuation assistance, which may be registered in advance or issued during an evacuation. It specifies the location, number of people that need to be evacuated, and any special needs/requirements.

parking availability  (Planned)  

Information on available parking. This flow identifies available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space. Specifically includes information on parking for commercial vehicles, coaches/buses, and cars – and likely also motorcycles, electric vehicle plugins, etc.

parking plan  (Planned)  

A tailored parking plan for a particular trip and traveler's vehicle. The plan identifies the parking facility and parking space information for the trip and includes the cost for parking.

shelter recommendations  (Existing)  

Recommendation identifying the shelter or shelters best suited to the requestor. Hotels/motels may also be included as potential sheltering options. This flow may also include shelter assignments/reservations.

shelter request  (Existing)  

A request for shelter information, recommendations, or assignment/reservation. Information provided my include name, current location, number of people in the group, additional requirements (e.g., evacuating with pets, needed medical support).

travel services information  (Planned)  

Travel service information and reservations for tourist attractions, lodging, dining, service stations, emergency services, and other services and businesses of interest to the traveler.

travel services request  (Planned)  

Request for travel service information including tourist attractions, lodging, restaurants, service stations, and emergency services. The request identifies the type of service, the area of interest, optional reservation request information, parameters that are used to prioritize or filter the returned information, and sorting preferences.

traveler sourced updates  (Existing)  

Traveler posts on traffic and road conditions, parking availability, transit services, traveler services, shelter information and other real–time crowd–sourced data that may be shared with other travelers.

user account setup  (Planned)  

Billing information, vehicle information (or registration information), and requests for reports. Also includes subsequent account changes.

user profile  (Planned)  

Information provided to register for a travel service and create a user account. The provided information includes personal identification, traveler preferences (e.g., maximum transfer wait time, maximum walking distance, mode preferences, special needs), device information, a user ID and password, and information to support payment transactions, if applicable.