Interface: SANDAG Virtual TMCs - Public / Private Parking Management System

SANDAG Virtual TMCs to Public / Private Parking Management System Interface Diagram

Information Flow Definitions

parking information  (Planned)  

General parking information and status, including current parking availability, parking pricing, and parking space availability information.

parking traffic information  (Planned)  

Instructions for operation of local parking facilities to support regional traffic management objectives (e.g., which parking lot exits to use). Also, includes inputs from traffic sensors to monitor parking queues and support more effective management of parking entrances and exits.

transportation operational strategies  (Planned)  

Operational strategies for each operating agency in a transportation corridor, downtown area, or other travel–impacted area, providing an integrated operations strategy for the freeways, tollways, arterials, transit services, parking facilities, and other transportation–related facilities in the area. These strategies can include dynamic adjustments to transit fares and tolls, parking fees and restrictions, dynamic lane restriction changes, and other active demand management strategies.