Interface: SANDAG Virtual TMCs - San Diego Regional Data Distribution System

SANDAG Virtual TMCs to San Diego Regional Data Distribution System Interface Diagram

Information Flow Definitions

data provision  (Planned)  

Data provision provides the source material for a publish–subscribe or query–retrieval data distribution scheme. This is the 1 of the 1:N data distribution architecture. This flow is a super–flow; it does not define data elements but is inclusive of any flow implemented using publish–subscribe or query–retrieval methods.

data publication  (Planned)  

Data publication includes those dialogs necessary to satisfy the publication portion of a data distribution architecture. The information content varies widely based on available content and the subscription, but it generally includes information on the state of transportation system operations including traffic and road conditions, advisories, incidents, transit service information, weather information, parking information, and other related data.

data query  (Planned)  

Data query includes those dialogs necessary to determine what data is available for and also submit a query for near–term response.

data query publication  (Planned)  

Data query publication includes those dialogs necessary to satisfy the response portion of a query–response action using the data distribution architecture. The information content varies widely based on available content and the query, but it generally includes information on the state of transportation system operations including traffic and road conditions, advisories, incidents, transit service information, weather information, parking information, and other related data.

data subscription  (Planned)  

Data subscription includes those dialogs necessary to determine what data is available for subscription/query, and also the dialogs necessary to create or modify data subscriptions/queries.